The Top 5 Best Beauty Tips - Ever

Hello Makeup World!!

In case you forgot...I am Lyndee, AKA...Manic Makeup Girl!
Nothing like a car selfie to say hello, right!?

I am SO excited to be firing up this blog again after a three-year break due to crazy life stuff.
(You know...moving to a new state...having a second child...preschool...just being freaking tired).  I guess all in all it hasn't been THAT crazy, but just lots of life and new things. And definitely loads of lost sleep...loads!
Through the last three years I have gained more life wisdom and also acquired more wrinkles and gray hairs along the way, but there's been a whole lot more makeup tried as well. (And I mean a WHOLE lot).
I have missed being able to share makeup news, tips and tricks, product reviews, and holiday gift ideas with you all. 
Makeup is truly something that I am passionate about. 
As weird as this may sound, makeup relaxes me and excites me all at the same time.

So here I am again. 
Bringing you the most poorly written blog probably in the history of blogs. 
But what I lack in grammar...I make up for in...well...MAKEUP!

So, let's get this makeup blog STARTED again!!! 
Is there a ribbon cutting equivalent in restarting a blog? 
Okay then...consider the ribbon officially cut and this blog open for business.
Let's go!

1) Always take your makeup off before bed.
This should go without saying...But you would be SHOCKED at how many people sleep in their makeup.
Ohhhhhhh the HORROR!!!!!
For one, I don't want to wash my pillow case every day because I smeared yesterday's makeup all over it while I was sleeping.
And TWO, it's called beauty sleep for a reason. Your skin and body need sleep to regenerate, heal, and be refreshed. You are clogging up your pores and actually creating MORE skin issues and wrinkles by not washing your face before bed. I'm not saying you have to start a 178-step skincare routine, but PLEASE use a little facial cleanser to wash the day off of your face before you hit the sack. Even if you don't wear a stitch of makeup at all, you still need to be washing your face before you go to bed. Preferably with a cleanser because using water only does NOT count. 
Girl...Wash your face! (Wait...I feel like that was a book or something). 
But seriously...Promise me YOU WILL!!!
My favorite way to take off my makeup lately has been by using a cleansing balm. I love using cleansing balms instead of makeup wipes because they are gentle on y0ur skin and also remove every single bit of makeup, dirt, and oil without stripping your skin of it's natural moisture. There is no tugging or harsh rubbing involved (like with a makeup wipe or a washcloth). After I rinse off the balm, I follow up with a gentle cleanser and everything is squeaky clean and super soft (but not dry). I have been using cleansing balms for over a year and have NEVER been more happy with my nighttime cleansing routine.
My holy grail cleansing balm is by Farmacy and is worth EVERY stinking penny! A little goes a long way. Grab it HERE or at Sephora. My super close second holy grail cleansing balm is by Boots No. 7 (HERE). So affordable and takes every spec of makeup off in seconds.

2) Invest in your skin(care).
Leading off from #1....Investing in your skin is an investment in YOURSELF. 
Skincare has become super important to me ever since I hit the ole 3-0. I'm pretty sure I got my first gray hair and my first forehead wrinkle on my actual 30th birthday. 
I have literally spent the last 3 years testing ALL kinds of skincare items trying to find the perfect skin cocktail to prevent, treat, and erase wrinkles, fine lines, dark circles, and acne (ummm hello adult acne.... you’re cruel and I hate you).
I have found that my love for makeup has recently been surpassed by my love for skincare. I absolutely get OVERJOYED at trying a new night serum or face oil. Weird, right?
But I honestly think that my newfound love of skincare stems from the fact that I am investing in ME. I am making time for myself each day to take care of my skin and that feels awesome!
And no... I’m not spending $300 on a night cream...that's a HARD no.
There are SO many amazing, affordably priced skincare options that do the job and won't break the bank. I will be sharing my top affordable skincare items in an upcoming post, so stay tuned for a full rundown. Until then, my FAVE nighttime face oil that I'm obsessed with (that I have literally repurchased 3 times) is by Botanics. It is 100% organic and all natural and I have NEVER found an oil that feels so silky in all my life. It truly feels luxurious but at a drugstore price. GET IT NOW (HERE) or at Ulta Beauty, Target, and other drug stores. 
Another nighttime me-time splurge I enjoy is the Laneige Lip Sleeping mask (HERE). I have insanely dry lips and this stuff makes them soft and smooth by morning. 
Unnecessary? Yes. But self-investment? Also, yes.
Another new addition to my nighttime routine is a silk pillowcase. If you're a face sleeper (AKA you smash your face into your pillow at night like me), try a silk pillowcase to reduce sleep lines and future wrinkles. Silk cases don't "grab" your skin like normal cotton pillowcases do. They let your skin glide over the fabric instead of getting grabbed by it. Just think of how many hours of your life you spend sleeping...makes sense, right!?
You don't have to spend $80 on one of those fancy wrinkle preventing and copper infused pillowcases to help cut down on future fine lines. You can grab this 2 pack (HERE) for an awesome price to help keep your skin smoother, longer. And side note: silk cases also make your hair less oily. Totally life changing if you ask me.

3) If you're wearing foundation...ALWAYS blend it down the neck.
Okay, this one took me a while to learn and deem necessary, but I have found that this is one of THE MOST important beauty tips I have ever learned (and boy did I learn the hard way).
I wonder how many times I have been out of the house with that dreaded foundation line around my jaw. OMG....I shiver at the thought. 
I don't care if you're a full coverage foundation girl or a tinted moisturizer only lady. Whatever you are putting on your face as a foundation NEEDS to be blended down the neck to create a flawless, line free, natural look.
Even if your foundation is a PERFECT skin color match you still need to be doing this step. Chances are that you aren't applying your makeup in natural lighting and the moment you step outside you will be able to notice where the makeup ends and virgin skin begins. We also must factor in the probability of your foundation oxidizing (That means it changes colors slightly when the air hits it). Most foundations do oxidize and become a shade darker once you apply them to your skin, so it might not be as perfect of a match as you think.
I'm not saying apply foundation down to your collarbone (or your toes as some people probably think I do). Just take a little light dab of your product down under the jaw and chin area. I like to use whatever makeup is left on my foundation brush or makeup sponge from my facial application and blend it downward to ease the makeup line from my face to my neck.
I love using the Real Techniques Miracle Sponge for foundation application. This sponge is a true miracle and gives you the most natural result. Plus, this sponge is 1/3 of the price of the Beautyblender and it is just as good, if not better. You can find the Real Techniques Sponge on Amazon (HERE), or at Ulta Beauty, Target, Walmart and most drug or grocery stores.

4) Your eyebrows are sisters...NOT twins.
Again...I didn't learn this lesson until I was at least 30 but it makes doing my eyebrows SO much simpler. 
You don't need to be spending half an hour trying to get your eyebrows to be perfectly matched Instagram brows. You will drive yourself CRAZY trying to make them exactly alike.
So, take the pressure off of yourself and just fill them in to look similar - like sisters...but not identical - like twins. 
Heck...even twins look different (speaking from experience here since I am a twin and my twin sister and I look completely different... Hey Cay!!!).
Save your sanity and just get them to look similar in shape and color and don't stress the rest!
The eyebrow product I am totally obsessed with right now is the Maybelline Tattoo Studio Waterproof Brow Gel in Soft Brown (HERE). This stuff is so affordable and will literally stay in place through the apocalypse. 

The one piece of advice I will give you (well...demand of you) is that you DO NOT use the wand it comes with to apply it to your brows. Don't do it. It's HUGE and you will make a giant waterproof mess of your brows. I suggest using an angled brush to get more precise application and a more natural look. Just dip the angled brush in the gel and apply in short, hair like strokes. Try a brush like this (HERE) won't regret it.
And can only look at one eyebrow at a time on someone's face...not both.
It's like in the movies when the lovers are staring longingly into each other's eyes...but in reality, you have to pick one eye to stare at... you can't look into BOTH eyes at the same time. It's impossible. So really they should just say..."Look into my eye"... but I guess that's not really romantic. Unless you were a Cyclops or something... maybe.
Wow....Eye don't know where that tangent came from...Eye am so sorry.
But you just totally looked at someone and checked if you can stare at both eyes at the same time, didn't you? 
I'm right...Right? 
Now don't sweat over your brows, okay?

5) Makeup is for FUN
We should all know this by now, but sometimes we need the reminder that true beauty lies inside.
Let's be real... If you have an ugly heart no amount of makeup can cover that up. 
Real beauty shines from within.
That being said, makeup is for FUN!
Of course, makeup is not for everyone, and that's OKAY! 
Sports aren't for everyone...Music isn't for everyone...Coffee isn't for everyone...But that's what makes us each unique. Our likes and dislikes make us who we are. 
I'm pretty sure if I met someone who didn't enjoy music, I could still be friends with them (Coffee might be non-negotiable though. Okay just kidding...maybe).
We all know that we are unique and we all know that we have our differences, so WHY do we tend to place more weight on our differences in appearance than anything else?
In my 33 years on this earth, the one thing that I have found is that my love of makeup has brought me so much joy, fun, and also a creative outlet. It truly is a passion of mine and it has become something so special to me. But on the other side, it has also brought me a lot of criticism and judgement.

" must have really low self-esteem to need to wear makeup."
"Wearing makeup makes you fake."
"I could never take that much time to get ready...It's so vain."
"You look better without it."
"There's so many better things to do with your time."
"Aren't you lying to people because you're covering up who you are?"
Each one of those statements have been said to me (to my face if you can believe it).

The best piece of advice that I ever received about makeup was that it should be FUN. 

If you don't enjoy it, then don't use it. 
If it stresses you out...STOP!
If it makes you feel self-conscious...quit!
Sounds pretty simple, right?

Yes, I love makeup and skincare and beauty things. But does that mean I have low self-esteem or am superficial and fake?
 I feel exactly the same with my makeup on as I do when it's off.
Makeup for me is my stress relief. It's a space where I can create and play and be artistic (without doing actual art... because I can't even draw a stick figure if we are being honest).
I just want everyone out there to see that it doesn't matter if you are a Chapstick only chick or a full face glam girl. We don't all have to be the same (because that's boring, right!?)
We are all different and that is what is AWESOME!
Just remember, there are no rules in makeup.
We shouldn't be stressed over wearing makeup or NOT wearing makeup to fit in.
Unless I'm knocking on your door in the morning trying to put makeup on you against your will, please don't judge me for wearing it. 
I want this blog to be a place where anyone can come and find information on their specific beauty needs. Whether that be what kind of Chapstick is the best or how to do a smoky eye or apply mascara.
All of it!

 I hope you are to!
...(Steps off soapbox)...

Thank you all for sticking with me through this crazy life and encouraging me to come back to the blogging world!  I am excited to be back here and to be able to review all kinds of things for you. If you have anything specific you would like to see here on the blog, please comment below or follow me on my social media pages and interact with me there.

I will be posting EVERY MONDAY at 10AM EST so please keep checking back regularly. 
The rest of the week I will be posting beauty deals, makeup news, and other things on my social media (Especially my Instagram...Trying not to feel like a total DORK on Insta stories).

Love you ALL!

*Some links used are affiliate links to Amazon. By purchasing through my links, you're supporting this blog. Thank you!


  1. Girlfriend, how can those people say those things to you?!?!? Obviously, they don't know you at all... I don't think you have a single mean bone in your body and you don't deserve those nasty remarks. Ugh!!! It is making my blood boil! And please - DO knock my door in the morning and put makeup on me! You will be doing me and my husband a favor!!!

    I am glad you are blogging again! You're such a great writer. I am always entertained and love all your tips! You are so right about taking off your makeup before going to bed! One of the most important (if not the most important) thing I learned!


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